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Can One Attorney Represent Two Defendants in the Same Criminal Case?
The answer is a surprising yes! In New Jersey, if certain requirements are met, the same attorney can represent two people in one case. ...
Is Sexting Dating?
According to the New Jersey Appellate Division, a “dating relationship” in the context of the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act,...
#MeToo Movement - Unjust Consequences
While the #MeToo movement has rightly focused attention on civil wrongs and criminal acts (sexual assault) and the outrageous unchecked...
Correction Officer Found Not Guilty
James Wronko represented Brian Ambroise, a senior correction officer at Edna Mahon Correctional Facility, in his trial for conspiring...
Client Charged With Rape of His Wife
A client of mine was charged with sexual assault for forcing his wife to engage in sexual intercourse. The alleged victim claimed he...
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