In keeping with our desire to provide full service to our clients, and recognizing that not every client can avoid jail time, we now offer prison consultant services. All clients who face incarceration, have the opportunity to retain a prison consultant if desired.
Whether you are being incarcerated in New Jersey’s only correctional facility for women, the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, or one of the many prisons for men, i.e., Mountainview Youth Correctional Facility in Annandale (Primarily Young Adults) or New Jersey State Prison (maximum status), it is critical that you are aware of what you will encounter.
A prison consultant provides newly convicted individuals who are facing jail with advice on what to expect and how to cope and survive in the unfamiliar surroundings of prison.
The most sought-after service is prison preparation. For a fee, these consultants will sit down with (or speak on the phone with) a client and explain prison to them. These counseling sessions could be as simple as answering a few questions and alleviating uncertainty, or they could be as complex as lasting hours or weeks, to truly prepare a client for a term of incarceration. The long and short of it is the consultant prepares the client for life on the inside.
Prison preparation isn’t only for the client who is on their way to prison. Consultants also assist families of the soon to be incarcerated. Many families of clients maintain ties with the prison consultants they retain long after the primary client is in prison. Questions will come up, and unless they are answered, these uncertainties will fester and all involved, client and family, will feel lost and hopeless. Experienced prison consultants can do some hand holding and provide an informed explanation of what is occurring, how likely it is that a situation may resolve itself, and how to influence various processes.